Embrace a Plastic-Free Lifestyle This July and Beyond

Make a difference by embracing a plastic-free lifestyle.

Plastic-Free July is more than just a month-long challenge; it's a global movement to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable living.

Here's the gist:

Millions of people around the world take the challenge to reduce their single-use plastic consumption throughout July. It's a chance to rethink our habits and make small changes that can create a big difference for our environment.

The Plastic Free Foundation offers tons of resources and ideas to help you participate — whether you're at home, work, school, or grabbing coffee. 

The goal is to encourage everyone to say no to plastic bags, straws, and water bottles and explore reusable alternatives. It also aims to center on the idea that change starts with one person, showing that each individual is part of a larger, impactful effort.

Small changes add up to a big impact. Plastic Free July is a springboard to create long-term habits that benefit our planet. Plus, it's a fun way to connect with others who share your concern about plastic pollution.

So, if you're interested in joining a movement that's making a real difference, Plastic Free July is a fantastic place to start. 

Why Reduce Single-Use Plastics?

It's a fun beach day and you're psyched. Opening your backpack, you've got all your essentials: lunch packed, sunscreen ready. But then you see the plastic water bottle you grabbed in a rush. The thought of over 8 million tons of plastic waste ending up in our oceans yearly sinks your mood. 

Suddenly, that single-use bottle feels like part of the problem. You think it may be time to ditch this single-use plastic thing.


Millions of Americans feel the same way.

That's why different states, including California and New York, are leading the charge with progressive legislation to reduce plastic waste.

Even Massachusetts is joining the growing list with its recent ban on plastic bags and the introduction of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws. This means producers take more responsibility for the lifecycle of their packaging, encouraging sustainable options.

New Jersey's not sitting this one out either! They've got a comprehensive plastic ban in place and are innovating with "rightsizing" packaging laws. Think less plastic and more efficient packaging solutions!  

These initiatives are a clear sign that minimizing the United States' environmental impact is a top priority.

Clearly, sustainable packaging isn't just a fad.  

The good news is that we can all make a difference by swapping out single-use plastics for eco-friendly options. These simple changes add up, creating a healthier planet for everyone.

How Can You Help?

We at PackM support the cause. And so, we'd like to share with you some of the ideas and solutions Plastic Free July provided. Specifically, we'd like to share tips aimed at small business owners.

Conduct a Bin Audit


Ready to ditch the plastic habit? A bin audit is a fantastic first step! It's basically detective work for your trash — you get to see exactly what single-use plastics sneak into your business waste. 

This helps you figure out which ones you can ditch completely and which ones deserve a recycling upgrade.

Once you have a game plan, assemble a "Green Team" — your own squad of eco-warriors. It's a fun way to get everyone involved and shows your team that you take sustainability seriously.

Update Your Procurement Policies

Re-evaluate your supply chain! Many businesses achieve significant success by refining their procurement policies. This often involves requesting suppliers to eliminate plastic and adopt innovative, eco-friendly packaging solutions.

Here are some ideas:

  • No-Plastic Packing — Can your suppliers ditch the plastic wrap altogether?
  • Reusable Containers — Think reusable crates or returnable containers instead of disposables.
  • Sustainable Packaging — Explore options like recycled cardboard boxes or those cool pallet "jackets" that replace plastic wrap.

If your suppliers can't meet your conditions, don't be afraid to shop around! You might find other suppliers that share your vision.

Recycle Your Packaging


Who says packaging has to be a one-time deal? Reusing packaging is a fantastic way to demonstrate your eco-friendly commitment and potentially save money. 

Here are some clever ideas to inspire you:

Cardboard Boxes

Have you ever noticed how many perfectly good cardboard boxes get tossed after deliveries?  Join the "box brigade"! Keep sturdy boxes in good condition on hand. Customers who forget their reusable bags will be grateful (and you'll avoid the need for flimsy plastic options).

Tissue Paper

Bubble wrap may be the industry standard for protecting fragile items, but it's a major plastic culprit. Think outside the plastic bubble! 

Explore using tissue paper as packing material. It can be made from recycled content and provides excellent cushioning, all while being eco-friendly.

But wait, there's more!  

Here are some additional ways to embrace reused packaging:

  • Get Crafty with Containers — Selling products that come in reusable containers?  Don't stop the cycle after the first purchase!  Offer refill options or a discount for customers who bring back their containers.
  • Find a Partner—Team up with other local businesses! Maybe a neighboring shop can give its used cardboard boxes a second life at your store.
  • Upcycle Your Packaging—Get creative! Upcycle old containers or source unique reusable packaging options that align with your brand. These can become talking points with customers and add a touch of personality to your business.

By implementing these strategies, you'll reduce your environmental footprint, find cost savings, and attract new customers who appreciate sustainable practices. It's a win-win for your business and the planet!


Plastic Free July may be just one month, but the impact can last a lifetime. We've seen how legislation and individual actions create a wave of change. The good news is you can be a part of it!

Remember, small changes create big results. You can significantly reduce your plastic footprint by implementing the tips we've shared, like conducting a bin audit, updating procurement policies, and adopting creative reuse strategies.

Let's work together to ditch the plastic habit and build a healthier planet for everyone!

Ready to take action? Here at PackM, we're all about empowering businesses to embrace sustainable practices. Call or chat with our customer representatives to discuss our eco-friendly packaging options. You can also email us at hello@packm.com

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