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Custom Mailer Boxes by Happy and Hannahmade
Custom Mailer Boxes by Happy and Hannahmade
Custom Jewelry Mailer Boxes by Happy and Hannahmade
Custom Jewelry Mailer Boxes by Happy and Hannahmade
Custom Mailer Boxes for Jewelry by Happy and Hannahmade
Custom Mailer Boxes for Jewelry by Happy and Hannahmade
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Handmade Jewelry Boxes

If you’re new to graphic design, maybe a mailer box design that focuses on text might be a good starting point for you. Take this design by Happy and Hannahmade. The top of the box features the words “happy things inside” with even more text surprising customers when they open it up. There are small graphic elements like flowers, hearts, and smiley faces scattered throughout the box which are easy to make or acquire.
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