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Custom Mailer Boxes and Flat Cards by PitaChan
Custom Mailer Boxes and Flat Cards by PitaChan
Custom Flat Cards by PitaChan
Custom Flat Cards by PitaChan
Custom Mailer Boxes and Flat Cards for Ecommerce by PitaChan
Custom Mailer Boxes and Flat Cards for Ecommerce by PitaChan
Custom Ecommerce Mailer Boxes and Flat Cards by PitaChan
Custom Ecommerce Mailer Boxes and Flat Cards by PitaChan
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Gradient Ecommerce Packaging

You don’t need a fancy design to show customers how special your products are. Take this mailer box and flat card designs by PitaChan. These packaging designs feature a hero shot of the products being sold. Inside the box is a list of all the included materials. The flat card has a simple message on the back. That’s it. So simple yet effective.
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