4 Tips For Effective Small Business Packaging

Small business packaging

If you want to design effective small business packaging, here are four tips you need to follow.

Established brands that have been around for decades don’t have to rely too much on effective packaging to promote and sell their products. More often than not, these brands can achieve their sales goals by just relying on their reputation and the goodwill they’ve built with their customers.

With a small business, you may not have that luxury. As such, you need to create packaging that entices potential customers into buying your products. If you want to design effective small business packaging, here are four tips you need to follow.

Get creative and stand out.

When designing the packaging for your small business, don’t be afraid to get creative. Unique and well-designed packaging grabs people’s attention and attracts them into making a purchase.

Effective small business packaging means your design needs to stand out. A distinct design will help potential customers decide to choose your products over your competitors. The question is: how do you stand out?

To separate your small business from competitors, do your research. Take a look at how successful competitors and other small businesses package their products. Doing so allows you to avoid doing the same thing your competitors are doing and also shows you what works.

For example, if one of your direct competitors has packaging with neutral colors, you may want to go in the opposite direction and create packaging with bright splashes of color. You can also get ideas by studying the packaging of big-name brands in your industry. You don’t have to copy their designs, but at least you’ll have a concrete idea of what attracts potential customers.

Provide product information.

When people buy from an established brand, they don’t need to take a long look at what they’re buying. For example, a customer buying a Hershey’s candy bar from a store doesn’t have to look closely at the packaging. The customer simply grabs the Hershey’s candy bar and buys it.

As a small business owner, you likely don’t have this advantage. You may have a high-quality product, but people won’t know this just by looking at your packaging. This is why your packaging needs to provide the right product information. Displaying sufficient product information lets potential customers know about your product and why they should buy it.

However, don’t just fill your packaging with words and descriptions of your product. Doing so may cause information overload and deter people from buying your product. Placing a few descriptive words on your packaging can go a long way in attracting potential customers. If you have the budget for it, you can hire a professional copywriter to write the words you need for your packaging.

Test your packaging.

Once you have the design for your custom packaging, avoid going all-out and having thousands or even hundreds of the packaging made. You could end up wasting your money on packaging that doesn’t look the way you want. Furthermore, you could also end up with low-quality packaging that doesn’t even fit your product.

Designing product packaging involves plenty of trial and error. You may have to go through several designs before you find the perfect one for your small business. The key here is to test your packaging.

At PackM, you can order a sample box for as little as $30, and we can deliver the sample box with your design in two to five days. By ordering a sample box, you’ll be able to:

  • See how your design looks on the actual packaging
  • Determine the quality of the design print
  • Ensure that the packaging dimensions are correct and your product will fit

If you order sample packaging with your design and see anything you don’t like, you can make whatever changes you think are necessary without spending too much money on packaging that isn’t right for your small business.

Be sustainable.

Over the years, people have become increasingly more environmentally conscious. Plenty of customers want to create as little waste as possible, and they want their preferred brands to reflect their eco-friendly choices.

Today’s customers care about the packaging of a product as much as they care about the product itself. Plenty of customers want to avoid plastic waste and want packaging that is biodegradable and environmentally friendly.

By using packaging made from sustainable materials, you are not just attracting the attention of environmentally conscious consumers. You are also helping protect the environment. It’s a win-win situation.

Here at PackM, we are experts at creating sustainable packaging. We can provide you with packaging made from high-quality, sustainable materials and help you do your part you save the environment and reduce waste.


Follow these tips and you’ll be able to create the perfect packaging for your small business and grab the attention of your target market. At PackM, we are ready to help with all your small business packaging needs. We can provide you with well-designed, high-quality, and sustainable packaging. Head to our website or call us at (424) 271- 0700. Our experts will be more than happy to help you create the perfect packaging for your small business.
